Hoy es un beautiful flying day
Qué pensabais, que iba a dejar de postear en inglés? Pues, nooooooooope!
Although the plane that REALLY interests me today is the one that we're going to be flying on, I'm also going to be lucky enough to catch the cute little fighter planes that zoom around here on the Armed Forces Day, or whatever you choose to call it in your Autonomous Community. As you know, I'm... erm... not exactly a military person, but I LOVE the planes, and from my house we have a perfect view of the open sky they cross through from Getafe. I couldn't give a shit about ANY country's unity or non-unity, but the planes get me the same way horses do; in my not very humble opinion there's something beautiful and perfect about them.
And it's always fun to stand on the balcony in my pyjamas like an idiot armed with the camera, trying to get a good pic. The Eurofighter at least has the decency to let you know it's coming WELL in advance. VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!
Well, got to finish packing. Ale's coming to pick me up to take me to the airport at 2pm. Thank you Ale!! :)
Although the plane that REALLY interests me today is the one that we're going to be flying on, I'm also going to be lucky enough to catch the cute little fighter planes that zoom around here on the Armed Forces Day, or whatever you choose to call it in your Autonomous Community. As you know, I'm... erm... not exactly a military person, but I LOVE the planes, and from my house we have a perfect view of the open sky they cross through from Getafe. I couldn't give a shit about ANY country's unity or non-unity, but the planes get me the same way horses do; in my not very humble opinion there's something beautiful and perfect about them.
And it's always fun to stand on the balcony in my pyjamas like an idiot armed with the camera, trying to get a good pic. The Eurofighter at least has the decency to let you know it's coming WELL in advance. VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!
Well, got to finish packing. Ale's coming to pick me up to take me to the airport at 2pm. Thank you Ale!! :)
Have a nice trip, enjoy the plane watch, and be good !
Holaaaaa!!!!! en cuanto se me ocurra un nombre me lo pongo, por ahora que sepas que sigo por aquí, aunque tan desquiciada como tú así que no creo que sirva de mucho.
Springitis? Hayfever? (Es que ahora mismo sigo pensando en inglés...)
A ver..... springitis no soy capaz ni de pensarlo, lo de pronunciarlo y escribirlo es demasiado para mí, Hayfever suena mejor, pero es que la itis yo la uso en sentido de "inflamación de", no de "enfermedad a", bueno, seguiré pensando mientras vas amueblando la casita.
Me imagino la cara que ponías cuando tomabas las fotos.
Más o menos así:
(Uy, esot lo tengo que previsualizar por si la U no funciona)
Nota: No, no funciona. NO me hago cargo del emoticono, pero sonrisa enooorme (he quitado la parte que no cuela en HTML)
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